Thursday, May 17, 2007

What's New

1. SUB and I divorced last year. A lot of people don't know why, and I don't really wish to go into all of it. There was a lot of hurt, a lot of anger, and a lot of bad times that don't need spreading around.

2. I am remarried. Things are a lot different this time around. pesimst and I are a good match, and I really, really love him. He also really loves me, which makes things just lovely :)

3. In addition to his son, Mr. van, who will be 8 in barely over a week, and my daughter, DC, who turned 5 in March, we have a baby boy, Tyranosauras (T-Sprout), who is two weeks old today. I never thought I'd be a family of 5. Shoot, I never thought I'd have another baby! Of course, I also never thought I'd marry again. Then again, I never believed there was someone like pesimst in the world, either.

4. KC, Madame McFluff, COtN and Houdini all still live with me. Sadly, Piddles the Cat was lost to old age and grief last fall. They have been joined by a once-tiny Siamese kitten, FF, who is getting to be a BIG cat now and a Great Dane I'll just call Huge.

5. T-Sprout is now yowling about the poo he just put in his pants, so this is all for now. Later I'll include his birth story (of which I am justifiably proud) and the tale of his first bath (which is kinda gross but really, really funny).

Take care and glad to see you all in the garden

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! My blogging inspiration is back!!!

He's 2 weeks old already??? WOW.

:::Smooches:::: to you all, my dearest Pix :)