Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Joys of Nursing

Including an uncovered breast and that bizarre slurpy noise when latching happens in the WRONG PLACE.

Well, the wrong location on my body, anyway.

Today, Tyrannosaurus has been crabby. Not all day, just crabbier than his usual grin-and-laugh self. I put him in a bodysuit that read "Gigglesaurus," which might be the problem. All three of my kids like to prove me wrong. I think it's genetic.

So, while grocery shopping, I wasn't surprised when Tyranno-baby asked to nurse. Granted, I was a bit surprised at HOW he asked to nurse...

I was wearing my favorite Bravado nursing tank and shrug. Wonderful invention, that. Especially for nursing in the sling. Comfortable. The ties offer plenty of coverage. Well, this lovely tank leaves plenty of my rather generous cleavage out the top. Not enough to be indecent, mind you. But enough.

Enough, that is for the boy to try to latch on... to the top of my breast. It made weird slurpy noises. And then weird raspberry noises as he blew out in frustration. Well, it's where the milk comes from, Mama. Why won't it come out HERE?"

The entire aisle of people turned to see what the heck was going on (come on, wouldn't YOU turn around for a noise like a fart in reverse? Maybe it's just me...), and the hyena-like laugh of my amusement probably got a bit of the attention, too.

So I latched him on, hoping for quiet.

Well, he was quiet, but the merrily kicking legs sticking out under my arm might have suggested to a few people that the baby was not asleep. That, combined with the strange purring noises he makes when he's really glad to nurse...

And he fell asleep. So sweet, when a nursing baby falls asleep with that little milky face. So I draped the tie of the shrug over my breast and went with it...

We paid, we left. I got to the car to load the sleeping bundle into the car seat, lifted off the sling, buckled the buckles, and only THEN did I notice I hadn't lifted my tank flap.


My life would be easier if I became LESS distracted upon having children...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Stuff like this almost makes me miss nursing.

Though Willow the Wonder Pup tried to nurse the other day OUCH! ROFL