Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Had my first dental appointment. Well, the first of the big badda work they're doing now, not the first ever. It hurt. A lot. I am seriously wishing we hadn't ever started. This is worse than I expected, and I am not sanguine about the end result.

Okay, so when I posted earlier, I was in horrible pain and feeling very low. The pills have kicked in, and I'm brighter now.

Tyrannosaurus's appointment yesterday was not pleasant, but it wasn't too bad. Dr. Baby-Dentist was his usual fabulous self, and he took good care of the poor lil guy. He's very gentle and slow during the exam, and really deft and fast during procedures. So the bad part lasted about five minutes, and then we were done.

Today for me was just horrible. And I wish I could say it was over, but it's not. I still have two or three more really unpleasant appointments before I'm done.

When I am done, though, the result should be beautiful, and, if it is, I'll post pictures :)

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