Sunday, September 14, 2008

the fascination starts so early

Tyrannosaurus has a new word. It's perhaps the clearest word in his vocabulary (well, it might be a toss-up with "BarackObama"). And, of course, it's one he likes to use at odd moments when we're out in public.

That word is "penis."

You see, I was changing his diaper one evening when he grabbed a handful of boy parts and announced "Bum!"

"No, honey," I said. "That's your penis."

"Penis!" he said.

"Yes, penis."

"Penis! Penis! Peeeeeee-nis!"

"Yes, dear. Indeed."


Oh boy, I thought. Now I've done it.

Ever since that evening, during diaper changes and baths, or if he's feeling bored, or when he wants to show off, he slaps a hand to his crotch and says a carefully enunciated "pee-nis!"

I do hope he grows out of this one soon, but I'm not holding out too much hope. After all, the fascination starts so early and doesn't seem to fade just because a little time passes. What's a decade or nine to an obsession like that?

1 comment:

half pint pixie said...

Hee, hee! I know I shouldn't laugh but seen as Littlepixie's fav phrase is currently "mama poo", this makes me feel not alone in crazy toddler-speak land :)