Friday, September 5, 2008

Today: a list


1. nine loads of laundry (if you don't count the one still in the dryer, waiting to be folded)

2. Two loads of dishes (and even the hand-wash only like the iron skillets and the tray for the highchair)

3. Vacuum the carpet

4. Scrub the counters

5. Sweep the kitchen

6. Accept the big dissappointment of pesimst not being able to go to school (finances. Blah)

7. Write two checks to the school so I don't have to pack lunches today.

8. Change 5 diapes, two of them really icky

9. Check the time for The Dog Whisperer. I have a date with a DC

10. Finish typing this list so I can get my youngest two kids and curl up on the couch for our (every other) Friday Night Date!

1 comment:

half pint pixie said...

weren't you sick a few days ago? take a little rest lady! I feel your laundry pain though, mine is stacking up again, never ending isn't it!