Friday, January 30, 2009

and almost still alive...

I'm still here. More or less. We have had every illness known to man through our house since my last post, or so it feels. We've had colds and fevers, stomach bugs, random infections. The latest? Foot, hand and mouth disease. And guess who has it right now! ME!!!

Seriously?! Those of you who remember mt chickenpox escapade will know I seem to only be able to contract "childhood illnesses." But this is ridiculous!

DC had it first, but we didn't realy realize it was such. Then Tyrannosaurus got it, but he wasn't very sick. And then I got a couple of odd little blisters in my mouth. And then a couple of little marks on a couple of fingertips. And, oh dear, fever, can't eat, the generilzed icks. I have it, sure enough.

So I'm moping right now. I suspect we'll all survive. But my pride has certainly been knocked around a bit LOL