Saturday, July 21, 2007

If I don't answer... (and a bonus baby pic)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows should be here today. Or Monday. Mine isn't guaranteed in today, so I'm not going to hold my breath for fear of turning blue and passing out. But when it does arrive, I'm taking the book, the baby, a few toys and a big stack of fluffy-clean diapers and draping myself across the bed. Don't expect me to answer the phone. Don't expect meals from me. Don't expect me to care if someone is hurt, unless there's blood or a broken bone, of course; I can't entirely stop myself from being a mom, after all. Someone else will have to feed the pets. Someone else will probably even have to take the dog out (or clean up the puddles if they don't).

I'M reading Harry Potter.

When OoP came out, DC was about four months old. She played on the bed beside me, nursed, cuddled, napped, and stayed with me for most of the book. H-BP came out when she was a bit older, so I had to pause in my reading to fix food for her (and I needed strength for the Event I could see was going to come to pass). This time DC is on vacation with her dad. HB can handle getting himself a sandwich and some fruit. pesimst will be off tomorrow. And Tyranosaurus is just little enough to cuddle with all day long (I've found that reading outloud to him and playing peek-a-boo over the top of the cover can amuse him for HOURS).

So, if you try to find me, but I appear to have vanished, don't worry too much. I'll come back from the Wizarding World eventually. And I won't tell you a single thing that happens until you read the book for yourself!!!

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