Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Love Letter

Dear Van, DC and Tyrannosaurus,

Do you know how proud I am of you? Do you know how amazing I find it that you're all growing into the people you are? There's not a dud in the bunch, and you are my very favorite people.

Van, you're learning how to work so hard, so hard on your school work. I'm proud of you for learning how to get your homework together and get it all home. It's hard to break sloppy work habits, and you're trying very hard. I just know you're going to have great successes in these last nine weeks. Just look at how far you've come on reading. I am dazzled by the way you have caught up and surpassed everything you were expected to do. You can do it!!!

DC, you're becoming quite the little lady. You're room looks just lovely, and that's thanks to you. You have really learned what it means to be clean and organized in your belongings. You're reading so well, and your writing is really starting to look better. When you take the time to watch what you're doing, you make beautiful letters and numbers. Good job!

Tyrannosaurus, you are one cool baby. You know so many words, and learning how to argue is quite a skill for one so little. I hope I never forget the "Bite?" "No bite!" conversation. How precious you are! These days with you by my side or at my breast are rare and wonderful and gone much too quickly.

Kids, I love you. I love all so much more than I ever thought I could love ONE person, let alone three! You fill my life and my heart and make everything I do special. I hope I can be the kind of mother that encourages you, builds you up, gives you a safe place to come when life gets rough, and the kind of mother who helps you go at the world with gusto. There's so much out there I want you to see and know. I promise to try to give you the foundation you need to achieve any goal, reach any prize and know how to try again should you fail.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always be your

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