Friday, October 17, 2008

free time?

My big kids are gone. I dropped them off with my parents yesterday, and they won't be home until tomorrow. And I can't tell you how happy I am about this!

Now, if I can only finish the floors, the laundry and their rooms before they come back...

I was cleaning Demon Child's room a few minutes ago. Now, DC is a sweet, quiet, gentle little thing. Yes, prone to drama and saying really weird things for being such a mite, but her room! I swear, it's the most horrible mess I've ever encountered. She wrote all over her furniture, shoved ALL of her socks behind and under the bed, and hid underwear in any space not occupied by a Princess or a Pony! What frightens me is that she's usually tidier than Van, and his room is next on my list...

Can't Fall Break last a month or two?!

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