Monday, November 10, 2008

Ah! Peace!

pesimst returned to work today after 9 days off for vacation. It was so good to have him here. And it's so nice to have my schedule back.

This has been an odd week for me. I've gotten to sleep in for at LEAST an extra 30 minutes each morning, as pesimst has gotten the kids up for school, dragged the toddler off my head and let me rest until time to pack lunchboxes. And I've had a cold. Nothing major, but irritating. And I've accomplished so much nothing. Ah well.

Add to that the euphoria of the election, the frustration with my mother, the aggravation of prop 8 (we passed that same shit several years ago, and it just makes my blood boil!), some frustration with non-custodial parentage, allergy meds that have left me groggy, a non-napping baby, and you have all the ingredients to leave me out of it.

Oh, lovely. Tyrannosaurus is waving a diaper cover at me and growling, so I'd best go see to his needs and then start helping the house recover from having a man in it all day, every day for a week :)

Happy Monday, all right!

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