Sunday, November 30, 2008

One Down, One to Go

Big, end of year holidays, that is. There was some chaos with sorting out where one of the kids was supposed to be this year, but we made it. I am exhausted with all the nonsense, though.

Now we're dealing with a situation that I suppose isn't really so strange: how do we celebrate holidays when we don't always have all the children? Does Santa make a stop early (and ohhhhh how I hate "doing" Santa! But that's a whole 'nother blog post)? Do we have our family celebration early and then let the fat man make an appearance on the day, current child population of the house be hanged?

I don't know. I wish... Well, I wish a lot of things. But mainly I wish Tyrannosaurus weren't the only child of "ours" here. I find that I already miss the twins most with the thought of Christmas. I wish they would be here for Tyranno-Manz to share those every-other holidays with. And I wish them for me, too.

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