Friday, August 17, 2007

I've been tagged... like a graffiti covered wall...

by halfpintpixie

8 Random Things About Me

1. After being divorced from DC's father, I vowed never to marry again.

2. On 21 Mar, I broke that vow and vowed to love, honor and cherish pesimst; I'm so glad I did :)

3. My kids are Van, aged 8, in the second grade, Demon Child (so called because of her name, not her personality... most of the time), 5, who is in kindergarten, and Tyrannosaurus, who is 3 1/2 months old and gigantic.

4. Van came with pesimst, DC came with me, and Tyrannosaurus came at home.

5. I forget that homebirthing, toddler-nursing, whole-food-eating, positive-disciplining, not-vaccinating, cosleeping, and a whole host of my other decisions are not considered "normal," because I am surrounded by people who do the same things.

6. I used to be vegetarian, but that changed when I moved in with pesimst. his family runs a cattle farm where the animals are treated right and raised organically. I have a lot less problem eating meat from cows I've met, for some reason. Not to mention, I KNOW what's in those cows (grass that has never been treated, vaccinations only for local, currently-active diseases and hay from the same pastures in the winter).

7. In my non-mommy life, I'm a writer, but I can't write while pregnant, and new babies don't leave a lot of time or energy for writing. Give me a few more months, and I'll get back to work.

8. My dream, since I was 7 years old, has been to circumnavigate the globe in a sailboat. Originally, it was just because I liked the word "circumnavigate." Now I just want the chance to show my kids what a small, big world it is.

If you read this and haven't done it, consider yourself tagged. Link me in comments, please.


half pint pixie said...

hi pixie, i'm a bit envious of you re: no.5; no-one I know in the real world shares our parenting style, so I make a big effort to cyber-surround myself with all you like-minded lovely folk on the web!

amberjee said...

isn't homebirthing, toddler-nursing, whole-food-eating, positive-disciplining, not-vaccinating, cosleeping normal?
or is it just me constantly telling people it is ...?? i still find it disconcerting to see a mum spoonfeeding her baby with a jar of puree. okay so i'm the weird one!

Pixie LaRouge said...

Pixie, actually I owe a lot of my extra-crunchy-granola parenting practices to those "weird" folks around me. I was NOT going to cosleep. Breastfeeding past a year was NOT for me. People who had homebirths were down-right weird!

And then I had a child who would sleep nowhere but against me. Because of a family history of food allergies, I didn't start solids with her until after 9 months. And I didn't want to go through another hospital experience, and there are no birthing centers, as such, around here.

And suddenly it's all normal to me, and I can't imagine doing it differently. Hmm, I should write thank you notes to my friends for putting me on the right path! LOL

Pixie LaRouge said...

Amber, you're not weird. The rest of the world is just nuts! :)